Liquidator or Auctioneer

Why be the environmental bad guys when you can be the good guys? . . . and make more money.

Example 1: An auctioneer employed DATA OFF to prepare 200 computers for auction. We erased the data and installed new operating systems over the course of one week. At auction the IT sold (after erasure/reinstall costs were deducted) for between 40 and 220 more per computer than the same models raised in previous auctions where hard drives were removed.

Example 2: Attending a manufacturing premises to assess the IT, we discovered that the apple laptops were locked to a management system rendering them unusable by anyone outside the company. Following our advice, the management system was removed and computers that would have ended up in a skip realized a very healthy profit.

Example 3: With the law on buyer beware changed, liquidators and auctioneers benefit in that the data erasure certificate also confirms the computers functionality.

Example 4: Several agents have told us that they have increased their profits (and that of their clients) since they discovered our certification process. Previously, with no data erasure audit trail, they had to remove hard drives rendering much of the IT valueless.


  • Do you ever need to destroy a hard drive? Not often. It is only necessary when corruption to the drive prevents total data erasure. In these cases we use a destruction method that minimizes airborne toxin release.

  • How do I maximize my IT profits?: Call us. We have been working with auctioneers and liquidators for over twenty years. We can advise on the value and issues that can arise with IT. Our free advice in a quick phone call has been known to save tens of thousands, and we promise there will be no hard sell - we don’t need to.

  • How much does it cost?: By following our advice, the auctioneer in example one reduced his costs to 10 per computer (this included total data erasure, with individual certificates, and install of a new - up to date - operating system). Okay, this is best case scenario, but it shows what can be achieved if you work with us on set up and numbers. And, because maintaining the hard drive always increases value, all but the oldest equipment returns an additional profit.

  • What if I’ve only got a few computers?: Where bulk discount (daily/weekly rates) are not applicable? We can often schedule a call for when we are in your area and/or purchase the computers from you. It’s in our best interest to make sure you always make money.

    Why should I use you?

  • We have indemnity insurance

  • We provide erasure certificates

  • We save, and make, money for our auctioneer/liquidator clients

  • We improve your ecological credentials

    (It is no secret that (as major disposers of used IT) Liquidators and auctioneers are serious contributors to the toxic waste, unsustainable practices, and lost opportunities of data shredding).